Customer Engagement

Benefits of Assigning Customer Engagement Research Access Levels

To maximize customer satisfaction analysis, your customer experience management system should include different access levels for different employees.



Trusted Experience Management Partners

Ultimately, every customer experience strategy includes a conversation between a company and its customers. However, it’s not enough to listen to customers’ opinions—firms must also respond appropriately, whether with a refund, a new product, or a revised company procedure. Before those changes can be implemented, customers’ responses must be distributed to the correct agents. In this way, a strong feedback management system acts as a selective loudspeaker, reproducing customers’ opinions to the right employees. If customer feedback is not properly distributed, it cannot be translated into higher sales. PeopleMetrics’ Enterprise Feedback Management solutions allow our clients to assign different access levels to different employees. This approach provides benefits at all levels of an organization.

CustomerMetrics, our Voice of the Customer platform, includes a dashboard displaying customer feedback data. Company leaders can choose which employees see which data. Additionally, Action Alerts are sent out according to delineated access levels. Alerts are sent when customer feedback indicates opportunities to grow sales, recover waning customers, recognize stellar customer service, or improve company marketing.

Top-Down Benefits

Often, executives choose to see the full spectrum of customer feedback. For instance, the CEO at Schlesinger Associates chooses to receive every Action Alert, keeping his finger on the pulse of the company’s customer base. Because they can view both aggregate trends and individual customers’ responses, PeopleMetrics provides C-level executives with the information they need to drive business improvement.

Mid-Level Benefits

Voice of the Customer allows company leaders to decide which types of customer feedback mid-level managers see. This helps relieve information overload. Moreover, PeopleMetrics’ Customer Engagement Solution indicates which actions will have the greatest impact on Customer Engagement, allowing managers to prioritize and plan responses. For our B2C clients, we also include our proprietary library of best-practices for boosting Customer Engagement.

Bottom-Up Benefits

Customer feedback is reported in real time with PeopleMetrics’ customer experience management system. This means customer-facing employees can immediately see research findings and adjust their performance accordingly.

Overall Benefits

Even after a message has found the correct recipients, responsibility for taking action can easily get lost. This is one reason for “Open Loop” feedback systems; customer satisfaction analysis is not maximized, since the ownership for each piece of feedback is not clear. PeopleMetrics’ CustomerMetrics creates a case for each Action Alert. Leaders and managers can assign cases to the correct employees, track progress, and close out completed cases. The whole organization benefits from these organizational tools.

Unfortunately, few companies have a customer feedback program in place. Those that do rarely know the best actions to take based on customer feedback. What distinguishes exceptional companies is how they use customer feedback data. To maximize customer engagement investments, companies need tools for distributing and organizing feedback, and ways to track and resolve customers’ issues. PeopleMetrics’ Customer Engagement Management solution provides the companies with the tools they need to sustain a productive conversation with customers.

Photo: IDenticard Images


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