Marissa cropped

Marissa Glowac

Vice President, Research


About Marissa

B.A., Economics Colby College
M.S., Public Affairs, University of Massachusetts

Marissa has been in market research for over 20 years.  She is lead project manager on many complex, high-profile market research studies and lead relationship manager to several large Fortune 1000 companies.  Her expertise is in both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, particularly experienced in Brand & Image research, as well as Product Development and Concept Testing research. She is closely involved in survey design, data collection and management, and report writing. She also manages custom panels of hard-to-reach audiences.

I'm inspired by:
My parents: they are kind and generous, and live their lives by those values

I'm currently reading: 
Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano

Favorite thing about where I live: 
The ocean, the sand, the sound of the waves

What's in my cup: 
Dunkin' Donuts coffee

Ask me about:
U.S. National Parks and how many I've visited

Still on my bucket list:
To hike the Appalachian Trail