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Sharon Hackenbracht

Field Director


About Sharon

B.A., Architecture (Design of the Environment), Dutch Minor, University of Pennsylvania

Sharon ensures that our qualitative and quantitative studies run smoothly, are cost effective, and get our clients the answers and solutions they need.  She cultivates relationships with research partners and is dedicated to providing top-notch project and vendor management.

I'm inspired by:
The challenge of finding solutions to complicated problems.

Favorite thing about where I live: 
My neighbors. My small street has such a great community feel!

What's in my cup: 
Coffee in the morning and water the rest of the day.

You'll find me listening to:
Classical guitar music.

Favorite thing about PeopleMetrics:
My co-workers because of our great collaborative spirit!

Favorite quote:
"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." — Benjamin Franklin