Customer Experience

Six Customer Experience Lessons Brought to Life in Video

Six videos illustrate six important customer experience lessons.



Trusted Experience Management Partners



The Cable Company Was Here by Seinfeld

The Story: The cable company needs to get inside Kramer’s apartment, and he sees an opportunity to exact revenge for a terrible customer experience from his past.

Lesson: Making it difficult for your customer infuriates them, and their anger will likely ruin the employee experience as well.



Outside In by Neolane

The Story: This song parodies “Inside Out” to explain why brands should be listening to customers.

Lesson: Customers don't care about your company-centric marketing. It's time to put customers at the center by thinking "outside in."



shep hykenThe story about the taxi cab driver by Shep Hyken

The Story: Customer service expert, Shep Hyken, meets a Texas cab driver who understands the value of a great experience.

Lesson: A great customer experience is memorable, human, and evokes an emotional response.




iPad 2 Unboxing by a customer

The Story: An Apple customer creates a beautiful video sharing the unboxing experience.

Lesson: Think of all the ways your customer interacts with your brand and make sure every part of the experience is consistently great.



Chipotle, Willie Nelson, and Back to the Start by Chipotle

The Story: A farmer gives up the farm he loves for the chance to make it as part of the industrialized food system.

Lesson: A great customer experience is more than a call-center or in-store encounter, everything a company does ultimately affects the customer.


United Breaks Guitars

United Breaks Guitars by Dave Caroll

The Story: A song about how United Airlines broke Dave Caroll’s guitar, and refused to fix it.

Lesson: When a customer reports a problem, take action or prepare to suffer the consequences at the hands of the empowered consumer.

~Janessa Lantz

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