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Apply our text analytics engine and make sense of customer comments with custom topics, sentiment analysis, and integrated reporting.


Custom Topics

The language your customers use fits your business – your topics should too. We don’t pigeonhole you into a pre-defined list of topics. PeopleMetrics will work with you to define the most impactful topics in the language of your customers.

Working with your team, PeopleMetrics designs a custom topic list driven by those who know your business best – your own SMEs. Don’t worry, we provide the training necessary to ensure the implementation goes off without a hitch.

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Sentiment Analysis

Know what your customers are talking about, and understand how they feel about their experiences. Powered by our machine learning technology, PeopleMetrics sentiment analysis accurately identifies how customers feel about specific topics.

PeopleMetrics Text Analytics engine seamlessly processes customer comments and other unstructured survey response data. Visualize trending customer topics across your customer segments and sentiment by positive, neutral, and negative themes.


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Integrated Reporting

Text Analytics results are more powerful when viewed alongside your existing customer experience metrics. We don't gate our Text Analytics to one part of the platform – topic frequency and sentiment trends can be woven seamlessly into all of your dashboards.

PeopleMetrics provides the same level of flexibility with Text Analytics results as we do with all of our reporting  slice, dice, and view your Text Analytics results however suits your organization best. Dive into a specific theme and view streams of comments associated with your topics.


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Text Analytics

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